Études portant sur l'agriculture biologique ou biodynamique


Références :

[Cornell05] http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/July05/organic.farm.vs.other.ssl.html
[Frick2002] http://www.fibl.net/francais/fibl/pdf/rapport-activite-2002-science.pdf. Cf. aussi leur compte rendu d'activité pour 2002. Impressionant !
[Muller et al] Strategies for feeding the world more sustainably with organic agriculture Adrian Muller et al. Nature Communications volume 8, Article number: 1290 (2017)
[Perfecto2007] I. Perfecto, C. Bagdley et al. http://www.snre.umich.edu/news/details.php?id=1774
[FAO2007] Rapport de la FAO consultable localement.
[Reganold16] John P. Reganold and Jonathan M. Wachter, Organic agriculture in the twenty-first century, Nature Plants Vol 2, February 2016 DOI: 10.1038/NPLANTS.2015.22
[Skinner19] C. Skinner et al. The impact of long-term organic farming on soil-derived greenhouse gas emissions Scientific RepoRts (2019) 9:1702 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-38207-w
[Wirsenius10] How much land is needed for global food production under scenarios of dietary changes and livestock productivity increases in 2030? consultable également sur le site de la FAO.

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